If you are already logged into Keeper on a computer, then you just need to do steps 1-3. If not, please follow all the steps.

  1. First you will need to go to this URL: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/keeper%C2%AE-password-manager/bfogiafebfohielmmehodmfbbebbbpei?hl=en-US and select "Add to Chrome".
  2. Then select "Add Extension" in the pop up window.
  3. This will add the Keeper extension to chrome and you can close any keeper windows that pop up. 
  4. Then you will need to log into Keeper to have it autofill your passwords. To do that you will need to click on the extensions icon in the top right of chrome.
  5. Then you will need to click on the Keeper extension and a log in window will pop up.
  6. For the email address you will need to put in the store's email address. Then it will have you log in using the store email address.
  7. After you log in it will ask you to approve the device. There are two options for this: "Send Keeper Push" or "Request Admin Approval". 
  8. If you have already signed into Keeper on a different computer then select "Send Keeper Push" and  follow these steps:
    1. On the other computer go to the keeper vault at https://keepersecurity.com/vault/# and sign in.
    2. After you sing in you will get a pop up that looks like this:
    3. Select Yes and it will log you in on the original computer.
  9. If you aren't signed into Keeper on any computer, then select "Request Admin Approval" and follow these steps:
    1. After you select "Request Admin Approval" you will need to send an email to helpdesk@checkcity.com and let us know that you selected "Request Admin Approval".
    2. It might take a little bit for us to approval the request, so you can just leave the page open. Once we approve it we will respond to the email and it will automatically sign you in on the store computer.

Keeper's autofill is different from Chrome's autofill. When you go to a site to log in, it will have the Keeper icon in the input for the username and password that looks like this:

When you click on it, it will give you an option to "Fill Record" and you just need to select that and it will put in the credentials for the site. If it's showing the wrong credentials for the site you can click on the drop down menu and select the correct credentials.